Client: American Fashion Brand
Position: Retail Director
Type: Retainer
Period: 3 month
Contact Person:HR Director, Japan
Consultant: Kana Kitagawa
Client Voice ―お客様の声―
私たちは長年にわたりA Balloon Consultingさんとお付き合いさせていただいていますが、その強みは何といっても弊社のニーズをしっかりと把握している点です。過去の採用実績を踏まえ、企業文化や経営陣の人柄まで深く理解してくださっているので、安心してご相談できます。また、採用ポジションの周囲にどのような人材がいるべきかという視点も持ちながら、将来の成長を見据えた提案をしていただけるのが心強いです。
Client: French Accessory Brand
Position: GM
Type: Contingency
Period: 2 month
Contact Person: Headquarter
Consultant: Kana Kitagawa
Client Voice ―お客様の声―
When it comes to talent acquisition in Japan, trust is everything in a market that is not fluid and where bilingual, internationally minded candidates are rare. Working with A Balloon Consulting brought a professional and engaged partner into our project, and their ability to translate our mission requirements and culture fit into an actionable set of criteria was excellent. They did not -like many other agencies- overload us with CVs, but brought a very curated set of recommendations. Our GM search with them was very successful and the entire communication process and relationships management with the candidate was flawless.
Client: Luxury Fashion Brand
Position: CFO
Type: Contingency
Period: 2 month
Contact Person: GM
Consultant: Takashi Ikematsu
Client Voice ―お客様の声―